Venice stands on stilts from Siberian larch

 Venice — a city built on water is actually built on stilts of Siberian larch. Here is some facts and documentary evidence …

In the twelve volumes of the history of Venice, written by the famous Italian historian Tentori in the XVII century is said,
that the city literally stands on Siberian stilts. He meant precisely the larch trunks grown in Siberia.

Tentori wrote: “Four hundred thousand piles from Siberian larch of the early Middle Ages still carry the bulk of the palaces and houses of the city, slowly plunging into the lagoon… «

Besides that in 1827, 1000-1400 years after, the piles have been examined.  The conclusion said that the larch piles, on which the underwater part of the city is based, seem to be petrified. The tree has become so hard that no ax or a saw could split it.